Investing in What Works for America's Communities

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Insights From Year 1 of Partners in Progress


Lessons Learned

Jubilee crosswalk

Since Partners in Progress launched in December 2013, our fourteen Community Quarterbacks have advanced economic progress in low-income communities across the country – impacting more than 1 million people. We’ve aggregated key lessons from their work into a guide on building cross-sector partnerships and collective impact initiatives from the ground up. We hope that these insights will accelerate experimentation and innovation for groups seeking new ways to reduce poverty and increase opportunity in their own communities.

Read the full lessons learned paper here.

Community Quarterback Case Studies

In these profile pieces, we explore how Quarterbacks in Maryland, New York, and California navigated their first year of coalition-building.

Gain insight into how EBALDC aligned partners under a framework for health in Oakland, how  Community Solutions moved the needle on unemployment in the Brownsville neighborhood of Brooklyn, and how CASA’s diverse partners enabled them to create new models for resident engagement in Langley Park.

Explore the Community Quarterback case studies here.

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