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Neighborhood Housing Services of South Florida



Miami-Dade County, Florida

Neighborhood Housing Services of South Florida (NHSSF) provides programs that promote and support homeownership and neighborhood revitalization throughout Miami-Dade and Broward Counties.

As a community quarterback, NHSSF is expanding and accelerating its community quarterback efforts to align the work of multiple local partners in transforming Miami-Dade County’s 79th Street Corridor area from a fragmented set of residential, commercial, and industrial sites into a cohesive neighborhood with expanded commercial activity and increased employment opportunities.

Revitalizing the 79th Street Corridor Area

The 79th Street Corridor is a community that faces significant economic and social challenges. However, its strategic location within a large unincorporated area of Miami-Dade County provides significant opportunities for economic development and community transformation. The area is the focus of a comprehensive community redevelopment planning and implementation process aimed at stimulating economic development and centered on the corridor’s ready access to bus and rail lines.

With expertise in housing and community development, NHSSF is leading an effort to revitalize the 79th Street Corridor area by stimulating economic development that will bring businesses and residents to the area. Long-term goals are to improve quality of life for current neighborhood residents, support environmental improvements, and enhance economic development opportunities.

Through Partners in Progress, NHSSF is leading a coalition of social service and affordable housing organizations, local businesses and public sector agencies in efforts to leverage the Corridor’s current transit infrastructure to connect neighborhood residents to job opportunities in the South Florida region; expand affordable housing efforts; and utilize the Northside Shopping Center, which serves as both retail business and social service hub. Additionally, NHSSF and its partners are seeking a Foreign Trade Zone designation for the Corridor, which will open the possibility for new businesses to locate in the corridor, creating new jobs and economic activity.


For over 35 years Neighborhood Housing Services of South Florida (NHSSF) has worked to improve and stabilize neighborhoods. By empowering individuals through education and counseling programs, creating affordable housing opportunities, and revitalizing neighborhoods through real estate sales and community building, NHSSF ensures healthy residents and stable families.

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